If you didn't already know... I'm moving to California and this has been one of the most overwhelming moves of my life. Leaving family and friends here on the East Coast and trying to pack up my whole life without breaking the bank has been a full-time job so far. But I am so thankful for God and my supportive friends and family. If you have never moved farther than the next city over, I promise you a move thousands of miles of way will put you in your place and have you making life decisions.
If you plan on making a big move soon or are just moving, in general, there are a few budget friendly tips that I wanted to share so that you can move and not break the bank!
Tip 1: Don't Pay For Boxes
When paying for boxes the price can definitely add up. I suggest you check local grocery stores or just stores in general that get stock in and ask can you have their empty boxes. The worst they could say is no but usually if you ask a cashier or another associate they are willing to give away boxes.
Tip 2: It's Time To Purge
I know we all hate to hear it but now is the time to make a pile of the items you haven't worn in years and don't plan on wearing it. No need to carry that extra weight to your new home. In turn, once you are done with your pile pack it up and take it to Buffalo Exchange, Platos or Uptown Cheapskate and sell to make some money for your move or for new stuff if you choose lol.
Tip 3: Start Early
Packing is never a fun thing to do but when it came to my move I knew already that I would be transporting my car. I'm not into road trips so a 3-4 day car ride to California wasn't happening. I planned ahead and requested quotes from several different transport companies to get an idea of what it would cost to ship my car so I knew how much money to set aside. This helps out in the long run because I was also able to read reviews and choose the right company. The sooner the better when placing an order to have your car shipped is the rule of thumb, the price essentially goes up as your move date gets closer.
Tip 4: Ask!
If you are moving because of a new job make sure you ask if they have relocation services or if they are willing to pay for your relocation. If they say no, at least you asked. Also, ask friends and family if they know someone who specializes in relocation services. They can help you find apartments or homes in the area you're moving to and can do things on your behalf. Checking out spots and making sure they are legit. Can save you time and energy. Trust me you will need it.
These are the top 4 tips that I'm sure will help assist you in being budget friendly during your move. I'm learning more and more each day so if you happen to have any questions drop them in the comments here on the post or on our Instagram page!
Loved these tips and definitely using them for my move next year! Keep adding them as they come to you please lol