If you're anything like me you love your share of random trinkets and stationary. But I think one small obsession that I have are greeting cards. Since I was young I've always saved any birthday cards or graduation cards that I have received. It's a past-time of mine. With that being said, it's always a goal of mine to give friends and family cool greeting cards so that they want to keep their cards as well.
I attended an event earlier this summer called VTGCLT (Vintage Charlotte Summer Market) where tons of local vendors can sell their merch, food etc. While browsing through I came across a black-owned greeting card company based in Charlotte called She's In The Mood. Ran by a young mother of 3 girls, Cheryse. If you ask me she's pretty dope and so is her company. I was able to snag 3 greeting cards that started out in my mind as cards I would send to my GGs but I ended up framing them to put on my desk at home.
The biggest plus about She's In The Mood greeting cards is not only that they are creative and cute card they are also frugal! Only $6 per card. Issa Deal! I bought three cards that really spoke to me and my personality, see all three below. This is just a sneak peek of all the dope cards that are available.
Make your way to She's In The Mood and grab some greeting cards of your own! Tell her Derria (@dlolo) sent you! Sign up for ebates and get cash back and coupons when you shop!

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