Have you caught on to the jersey/number top trend yet? If not then its time to catch up! Unbranded, non team related and miscellaneous numbered clothing items are appearing just about everywhere. I've purchased a few myself from Forever21, T.J. Maxx and online at a Vintage Boutique. If you weren't apart of a sports team in school it definitely gives you a sense of being El Captaine in addition to making you look and feel athletic in a trendy sort of way.
We all know that style and trends travel along a never-ending cycle, disappearing and reappearing every once in a while. I remember when jerseys were really popular around 2005-2006. NBA jersey dresses for females and oversized jerseys for male. Looking back on that trend, I'd say we looked a little foolish. But I'm definitely feeling Jersey inspired clothing this go round.
Below are a few places where you can purchase them:
- Signed
Derria, A Frugal Shopaholic
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